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Re: Celtic and Afro-Asiatic?

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, September 15, 2005, 4:41
Ph.D wrote:
> Patrick Littell wrote: > > > > . . . Malagasy (VOS) exhibits initial consonant mutation. > > Do you have any examples? I've been reading a textbook of > Malagasy. I'm about halfway through it, and I don't recall seeing > any examples of initial consonant mutation. >
There are morphophonemic and sandhi changes that affect certain initial C-- usually in prefixation and compounding, as well as certain finals in suffixation. Here are some examples cited in the intro. of Abinal & Malzac's dictionary (sorry, I didn't look up the glosses...) n+b > mb or m: man-babo > mambabo, mamabo n+f > mp or m: an-o > ampo; man-fantsika > mamantsika n+h > ng or nk: man-harona > mangarona; (compd.) voa ny hazo > voankaz(I don't recall offhand, but suspect "ng, nk" = [Ng, Nk] since the spelling is French based. n+l > nd: man-lany > mandany n+z > nj: man-zehy > manjehy There may be cases where a word with /f-/, say, may have a related form with /m-/, but it would be in all likelihood be due to a lost derivational prefix of some sort. Final -a in many cases is (historically) epenthetic, and deletes in suffixation. (e.g. fantsika and harona above = underlying /fantsik/, /haron/and are stressed on the far- and ha- syllables). S0-- tapaka+hazo > tapa-kazo mitarika+lalana > mitari-dalana etc. The prefix changes, allowing for sound changes (in particular Malg. n < *N), are comparable to the morphophonemics of Malay and many other AN languages-- (e = schwa in Ml,Jav,Bug. exs.) meN+putar > memutar 'to turn around' (note Javanese puter ~muter, and Malg. has cognate fótitra 'id.'~fa/motérana 'caus.' ?/fa-fotitr-an/) meN+beli > membeli 'to buy' (note Bugis base form melli) meN+surat > menyurat 'to write' (cf. Tagalog sulat ~manulat) So these are "mutations", yes, but not at all equatable to those seen in Celtic languages, IMNSO :-))))