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Re: "to be" or "not to be"

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Saturday, June 14, 2008, 19:04
Not sure how Tag. handles that; Indonesian uses a different negator
for nouns:

saya tidak sakit (I not sick) 'I'm not sick'
tidak ada uangku (~uang saya) 'I don't have any money'
saya tidak tahu 'I don't know'

ia guru 'he's a teacher'
ia bukan guru 'he's not a teacher'
bukan ia~Ali yang datang 'it's not he/Ali who's coming'

Dang.  I think in order to fulfill the criteria we're looking for,
the language needs to have a copula (so, not PRON. + N, or
something similar), it needs to have a standard way to negate
verbs, and then it needs an at least somewhat unrelated purely
negative copula.  What do we think of Eugene's Korean example?

"A male love inevivi i'ala'i oku i ue pokulu'ume o heki a."
"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."

-Jim Morrison


Scotto Hlad <scott.hlad@...>