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Tolkien's "The Monsters and the Critics

From:Tony Harris <tony.harris@...>
Date:Thursday, March 4, 1999, 17:49
Hi all,

Some time back (about a year, actually) I asked to try to find
the book "The Monsters and the Critics", which was out of print.  I thought
they forgot.  Turns out, howver, they found it but at way more than I'm
willing or able to pay for it.  Here's what they had to say:

Ordered item:   John Ronald Reuel Tolkien "The Monsters and the Critics,
                  and Other Essays"

                        Price:  $58.99
                        Shipping & handling charge:  $3.95
                        Total charge for item:  $62.94
                        Binding:  No information

Does anyone have an extra copy of this they might be willing to sell for a
lot less than Amazon wants?  It can be in miserable shape, so long as I can
read what's in it.  Failing that, since what I really want is the "Secret
Vice" essay, would anyone be willing to copy that, or email me that, or
loan me the book so I can copy it, or something?


Tony Harris
Community College of Vermont