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Re: Sapir-WhorFreakiness

From:Trebor Jung <treborjung@...>
Date:Saturday, August 21, 2004, 12:12
Írták: "After all, they live
in the jungle, or near to it at least, right? Has anyone been to the Amazon
on this list or seen pictures? What's it look like there? Dark? I expect the
trees block out the sunlight, so it would be hard to see colours. Maybe that
would explain it. But then, do any other Amazonianlangs lack colour terms

Another possibility is that the Pirahã are colour-blind. That makes alot
more sense, if peoples other than the Pirahã living in the Amazon region
have colour terms.

Or, if the Pirahã don't live near any other ethnic communities, maybe
they're the only group living in that part of the rainforest, and it's
particularly dense there? That is to say, maybe they're very isolated
indeed, and all other native Amazon peoples reside elsewhere??

Sorry if my propositions seem a bit naïve, after all I'm just a teenage
amateur linguist...


John Cowan <jcowan@...>