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Re: OT: : What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded? "Yer Ugly Mug," etc.

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Monday, May 5, 2003, 18:41
Quoting Daniel Ryan Prohaska <daniel@...>:

> Joe wrote: > <Judeochristianity? Is that a religion? I think it's a silly term, > <personally. They are, after all seperate religions, as much as Islam > and > <Baha'i, say. > > I don't think anybody was questioning that they are separate > religions, > but in this day and age everybody seems to be focusing on the > differences between the religions and not what they have in common. > And > Judaism and Christianity have so very much in common, there will > always > be differences and revalries between mother and daughter..... > > I find the term "Judeochristianity" unobjectionable, and could imagine > including Islam, as these are the three monotheistic religions that > definatle go back to the same source.
If you feel ok with throwing in Islam, then certainly Mormonism too? I can't say I've ever felt much need for the noun "Judeochristianity" - I can think of very few instances where I'd not prefer to write "Judaism and Christianity (and Islam and whatever else I might feel like to throw in)". OTOH, I'v got no trouble with the adjective "Judeochristian", which is useful for saying things like "The old testament has provided the basis for the Judeochristian 'Weltanschauung'". Andreas


Joe <joe@...>