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Re: French liaisons (was something else)

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Monday, February 9, 2004, 20:55
--- Tristan McLeay <zsau@...> wrote:

> He's already done it [GST]. Claimed a mandate >
after he just scraped through a
> few years ago.
Sounds familiar! ;))) Mind you, my Aussie political education in this matter comes from an anti-Howard piece of satirical 'paper money'. "MAKE SURE THIS MELBA NEVER COMES BACK" - "VOTE LABOR!" Padraic. ===== kâsu ñomklyu tsrasi&#347;&#347;i &#347;äk kälymentwam! -- Punyavantajâtaka -- Ill Bethisad -- <> Come visit The World! -- <> .