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Webpage updates...

From:Mia Soderquist <tuozin@...>
Date:Saturday, December 11, 1999, 19:59
Some small changes to my webpage...

I finally re-recorded "Adoru e Eyoyai"
(, though I
haven't made any changes to the corresponding Yufora web page. I
did add a new page with a short, short ea-luna composition
(, which promises
a recording and has a link for a recording, but the recording
isn't there yet. I am working on it. I am going to my mother's
for the day, so don't expect it to be up before 10pm though.

The home page for the site is


Mia Soderquist (
ide bani ea-leli ene ua legi la, ua ide leri la dade lia
dike ida nuku ua kede.
(ma rage ea-luna!)