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Re: CHAT: Merging contries and dropbears (was: Re: General Question)

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Sunday, March 25, 2001, 20:21
On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, andrew wrote:

>Am 03/24 18:05 Tristan McLeay yscrifef:
>> But we'd have to teach youse how to play football. Real football. Footy >> played on an oval with four goal posts, not some rugby or soccer or >> whatever it is you call football. >> >I am a total sports/football agnostic. Which one are you talking about? >Rugby, League, Aussie Rules or Soccer? My prefered forms of exercise >are walking, taiji and medieval metal weapon combat (quarterstaff and >scramasax).
Yes, that's the one he's talking about. The offensive line all get shields while the defensive line all get swords (two staffmen at either end). Putting the ball through the goals is an optional alternative to taking head trophies from the opposing team.
> >And why do you want to teach ewes to play football?
I understand the hides are made into the balls. Perhaps they'd like to know a little about their future prospects? ;) Padraic.
>- andrew.