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Re: The Melting

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Sunday, May 25, 2003, 16:44
The Melting and "eye color."  Adam must have just opened the door, here!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Camilla Drefvenborg" <elmindreda@...>

> Adam Walker de ortekera: > > > I can't for the life of me figure out what this has to > > do with conlanging, but ... > > why can't I ever learn to keep my mouth shut? and I was truly enjoying > this thread, too... > > Camilla
Okay, let's return it to its original "conworld" content. Camilla and Keith and Nik and I were talking about the problems of wanting to have a conworld that was both "of this world" and "not of this world." I have come up with a strange solution called "the Melting" (li mermmindo). Some of the Teonim have found a way to emerge into our world periodically. They have absorbed some of our language, a lot of our customs and belief structures and taken them back... they aren't that alien, they are humans but in another dimension, or what have you. They call it the "melting" because they always seem to come to us through water. Their world back home is a watery world, full of oceans as huge as ours, but their moon, truly a double planet, is much bigger, and its mutual orbit around Nenddeyly is gradually decaying causing planetary instability. It is home to the Rordaly, who suffer the same geological problems, but who are markedly different from the Teonim (or the Nenddeylyt) in morality and technology. That's all I'm going to say. For now, I prefer a less science fiction depiction of the Teonim who, like the Tuatha De Danaan, have to return to their sidh, their island, lest they be lost in time on our world. The "eye color" was what we were talking about. The Teonim are slightly structurally different from us. No pointy ears, but they are much more given to polydactyly (six fingers on each hand--the musical discussion John Cowan brought up), a greater range of skin colors and anomalies (the "map-skinned" folk for instance, or plebmyst hedrirradnihs), and they have invaginations in their irises that open up with the blush response. I think this happens with changes in the shape of the iris among ourselves, but it's much more pronounced in the Teonim: in brown eyes, orange pockets open up, in gray or blue eyes, gold pockets. Anger, pleasure, sexual desire are the most frequent stimulants. Certain foods do it, too, and alcohol. A party (vlorya) is said to be most successful, if everyone is orange and gold. Sally Eskkoat, et rellikwa


Sally Caves <scaves@...>Correction (was: The Melting