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Re: NATLANG: French spelling questions

From:Remi Villatel <maxilys@...>
Date:Monday, March 1, 2004, 6:11
Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:

>> You should have spoken about the 101 ways to write [o] in French. ;-)
> How French *ought* to be spelled is a whole different > cup of tea. Like to discuss it? :)
That's funny, I've always said that French should have a phonetic script... but I've even never worked on the idea! ;-) My first reform would be to clean up the accents. There are some useless random circumflex accents that I'd like to wipe out. Some "é" and "è" should be changed to reflect the current pronounciation. The vowels should have a persistent orthography; the digraphs and trigraphs should be forgotten when possible. A new vowel for [O] should be introduced. The double consonants should also be removed. Le nouvo Françès devrèt ressambler à qèlqe choze còme ça. Un chyun, une chiène, le chat, la chate, un cheval, dès chevos... Apèle-moa ! Il fot m'apeler. Je pe, tu pes, il pet, nous pouvons, vous pouvéz, ils peuvet. Il plet, il plet, bèrjère, Rantre tès blans moutons... Ça va ètre la révolussion ! ;-) Finally, I have ideas... but there is so much conlang in my head that there's no place for natlang. ;-) see ya, ===================== Remi Villatel =====================


Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>