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Re: (YAEPT?) Pattern exemplifying as many vowel phonemes as possible?

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 15:40
>Philip Newton <philip.newton@...> wrote:
>What pattern (in the sense C_C or similar, where _ is a blank to be >filled in) can be used to exemplify as many vowel phonemes as >possible, to demonstrate the contrastiveness?
This reminds me of an incident in a Spanish phonetics class at SUNY many years ago. The professor was looking for a minimal "trio" for /m/, /n/, and /J/. I suggested "amo," "año," and "ano." The professor was not thrilled with this last suggestion! If I had known more Spanish at the time, perhaps I would have suggested "mato" (> matar), "nato" (cream), and "ñato" (flat-nosed). I have encountered several people whose surname is Anonuevo. I suppose it's the best they can do, but I sure wouldn't want a surname that meant "new anus." Charlie


Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>