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Re: dutch ipa

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 16:47
Eamon Graham wrote:

> Jan van Steenbergen wrote: > > > This is probably a stupid question that everybody knows the answer to,
but I
> > have always been wondering: what does this _2_ mean in Indonesian? > > It's used to denote reduplication, as in the plural. In the Singala > example given, _bastu2_ stands for _bastu bastu_, meaning "things" > as opposed to simple _bastu_ which would mean "thing." :) > > Roger could probably tell you the real history of it,
No, I can't; it was never explained to me...but you're probably right when you suggest.... but I believe
> it came from telegrams; since plurality (and other things) in > Indonesian can be indicated with reduplication, it became convenient > in telegrams to use word2 rather than _word word_ which would take > more time and money. :) It seems that I've read in one of my > Indonesian books that it's discouraged in usual usage but it doesn't > stop anyone. :) >
That's quite possible; but I haven't read much printed Indonesian for a long time. It was certainly widely used in everything printed prior to 1972 or so (when they changed the spelling system). It does create problems when the word has a prefix or suffix-- you had to use hyphens to set off the part that would be reduplicated-- so "anak2-nya" 'his/her children', "anak2-an" 'doll', or "ber-cakap2" 'to chat' (*bercakap2 would imply that the prefix is copied, too, which it isn't)--- this could get cumbersome, and is probably discouraged. Also, properly, the 2 should be superscript.