> I work at a library that has a subscription to ebrary (
> www.ebrary.com/ ), a repository of electronic books. There's some
> pretty cool linguistics books on there, and a lot of other subjects
> too. But I just noticed recently that there's also a version of
> their service for the general public. The list of books is scaled
> down somewhat compared to the institutional subscription version, but
> there are still plenty of linguistics books on there*.
> Now, it isn't *quite* free. In order to view the books, you need to
> create an account and deposit at least $5 US in it (I'm not sure if
> it's available outside the US), using a credit or debit card. As long
> as you have at least $1.50 in credit, you can view books. Copying
> text (for pasting somewhere else) from a book costs $0.50 per page
> and printing costs $0.25 per page (at least with the book I'm looking
> at now; it might vary by title).
> Viewing the books requires installing a browser plugin. The plugin is
> available for Windows and MacOS X. I have also got it working in
> Linux using Wine, after using Sidenet (
> winetips/config.html ) to install IE 6.
> I hope this is useful to other conlangers!
> * Ironically, I found one book on accentual change that is available
> through the general-public service but not through my employer's
> account!)