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Re: Pater Noster (purely linguistically)

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Thursday, December 2, 2004, 2:42

Mark wrote:
> > - Would it be appropriate to translate 'heaven' with 'divine world'? > > - Maybe 'divine transcendental world', but that might be redundant? > > Well, the words for "heaven" in natlangs - including "heaven" itself -
(John notes this, too.) Yes, in German, of course, there is only one word for 'heaven' and 'sky'. Qthen|gai is meant to be a 'modern' conlang (whatever that means) so I will not always use history of languages as a guideline, although history is very often a very clarifying device. :-)
> > optative(be.reserved.from.profane.use(thy name)) > > The Latin is expressing a desire, or perhaps a "third person imperative" > . . . is that what an "optative" is?
Yes, desire, but not imperative. Humans are not in the position of using imperative here, I think. It seems quite different from 'let there be light', where the imperative would be appropriate. :-)
> But if you use "profane", you run into question-begging, since "profane" > is pretty much defined as "the opposite of holy/sacred".
Ah, right! :-) I did not notice. Thanks! But anyway, my current translation is 'cannot-be-used-malevolently' (with an axiomatic negation particle). This one does not have this problem, but 'holy' seems to imply that it shall not even be used benevolently for non-divine purposes whatsoever. Maybe 'we shall not curse with thy name.' With 'curse' being a variable like 'bread' is one for 'food' that many translations have. Hmm... Not very satisfactory. It's hard to use only derivation: Qthen|gai does not have ad-hoc compounding, but I do want to derive *one* word 'holy' in the above sense, not a clause, and the morphological means are limited. So I need further thinking. John wrote:
> I think you've nailed this one.
Sounds good. :-)
> *** The Greek word _epiousion_ here is problematic
Oh, if that's the only problem! :-) I have a lot of problems with the vocative + first two lines.
> it's not the usual word for 'daily', and appears only once outside > the Lord's Prayer.
Where? Is it known what exactly it means? Is it important for the message of that line? I thought I understood that line... **Henrik


Chris Bates <chris.maths_student@...>