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Proto-Conlang rough sketch (was: Re: First Post and . . . )

From:Jason Monti <yukatado@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 11:44
The phonology has changed quite a bit from my first post wherein:

(s)(C)(l/w)V(n/r/y)(C)(s) was possible.

Someone had suggested that instead of palatalized/labialized consonants, I
make the core "V" into /e/, /ie/, and /ue/, so I did. This opened up a lot
of possiblities.

I've since moved the /l/ over to the right hand side of the vowel.

The idea of diphthongs got me to thinking, and I realize that while I was at
it, if I'm going to change the /w/ into /u/ and /y/ into /i/, and mobe the
/i/ up front, then I could increase my root possiblities if I added /a/ in
there as well. Finally, I decided that having semivowels on either side of
the vowel at the same time is perfectly okay.

Along the way, I decide to get rid of the final stop+/s/ clusters, and
finally decided to do away with the initial /s/+stop clusters as well.

So now my core possiblities (between the initial and final consonants, if
there are any, are:


Finally, all roots ending in a voiced consonant have an added schwa.

So, here's the final product:

{b c d ð f g h j k l m n p r s t þ v w y z} + {a i u} + e + {l n r} + {bə c
də ðə_ f gə h jə k lə mə nə p rə s t þ və wə yə zə}

Or more simply: (C)(a/i/u)e(l/n/r)(C)(ə)

So now that original sample using only p and t becomes:

aelt pae  paelt
aent pael paent
aert paen paert
aet  paer paet
elt  pel  pelt
ent  pen  pent
ert  per  pert
ielt pie  pielt
ient piel pient
iert pien piert
iet  pier piet
uelt pue  puelt
uent puel puent
uert puen puert
uet  puer puet

There are only three limitations:

1) /e/ cannot appear by itself in a CVC: it _must_ have at least one of the
six availble semivowels adjacent to it, so the smallest morphemes (in their
e-grade) are: /ae/, /el/, /en/, /er/, /ie/, and /ue/.

2a) An initial /y/ cannot be followed by an /i/: no /yi/
2b) However, /ya/ and /yu/ are possible initials.

3a) An initial /w/ cannot be followed by a /u/: no /wu/
3b) However, /wa/ and /wi/ are possible initials.

The 3-grade system still stands: e-grade, o-grade, and zero-grade, but I now
have a total of six possible zero-grades, rather than four. In the
zero-grade, if the {l n r} is preceded with an {a i u} then it is the {l n
r} that become syllabic, not the {a i u}.

The grades will be based on gaining or losing stress: i.e., o-grade is
stressed, e-grade is defult, and zero-grade is not stressed. If stress
shifts from the o-grade, it becomes an e-grade. If stress shifts from an
e-grade, it becomes a zero-grade. Conversely, if stress shifts TO a
zero-grade, it becomes an e-grade, and an e-grade beomes an o-grade.

I just read severl of the Essays on Language Design by Rick Morneau, and he
blew me away. His essay on Vocabulary Design especially got to me, so I
would definitely like go along those lines. I'm just started reading Lexical
Semantics, but it's LONG!

On a side note: one of these days, I'll learn Wikicode, and put this stuff
on the the conlang wiki. In the mean time, keep your eyes open for updates,
and as always, comments, criticisms, and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks!