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Re: Collaborative conlang - Third time's the charm?

From:Alex Fink <000024@...>
Date:Friday, October 10, 2008, 6:47
On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 00:07:39 -0700, Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...> wrote:

>It's that time again. Time to try to launch another collaborative project
in linguistic anarchy. My last two collaborative conlang projects were interesting, but ultimately not terribly successful. (Kalusa - conlang archives May 2006... and another project from longer ago. I don't recall the name.) I have to agree with Jim Henry that Kalusa was far more successful than most collaborative projects. Where in most projects the newness fascination wears off people after the first couple weeks and it dies on the vine, Kalusa made it past this hump and got some dedicated crafters; it eventually only died because some social-type strife drove most of the user community away (Philip's (2)). Anyway, cool, another collaborative project. Comes at a time when I won't be able to contribute much, but I'll try to keep a watch on it, and maybe dip a toe in. Oh, a casual comment on the glossing of the placeholder lexicon. I find '-ology' / 'study of' as a gloss for -JI a bit funny. To my eye, many of these sorts of words in English have a semantic range within which one can distinguish two senses: for instance to take "syntax" (to take an example without that distracting "-ology"), as a generic it's 'the study of the composition of phrases' (or whatever), fine, but in reference to a particular language it's simply 'the rules of composition of phrases'. It's the second sense which seems more fundamental to me, and closer to what you're after. The first by contrast feels metonymic, the same way you might use "English" or "Dance" or whatever as names of academic programs without being under any illusion that the primary meaning of "English" was anything other than a language, or "dance" anything but 'sequence of rhythmical steps and motions often in time to music'. Alex


Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>