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Re: Green Ribbon Language Creation Campaign

From:Karapcik, Mike <karapcik@...>
Date:Monday, October 1, 2001, 18:39
        So, wearing a green ribbon indicates:
1) Promotion of organ donor registration.
2) Religious and racial tolerance. (Thank you for mentioning this; I can use
it where I work.)
3) Preservation of native languages.

        Or in short, green ribbon = enlightened individual.

        I will definitely have to start wearing mine.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: David Peterson
| Subject: Re: Green Ribbon Language Creation Campaign
|| In a message dated 10/1/01 6:45:43 AM,
|| Karapcik@MOFFITT.USF.EDU writes:
|| << I would like to point out, though, that since early this year
|| various organ donor awareness groups have also been using the
|| green ribbon
|     Most recently (and this is originally what I thought your
| intent actually
| was), the green ribbon is used to indicate sympathy for
| muslim Americans (and
| muslim-looking Americans) who have nothing to do with the
| attack in New York,
| and also indicates that the wearer won't stand by idly and
| tolerate any
| bigotry or racism.