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Re: OT: Completely OT: PAYPAL does it suck?

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 16:12
Hello Mark.  This is my last post today, since it's the fifth one, so you
can respond if you want to, but I won't be able to return your compliments.
I think anyone can sympathize with my frustration.  But there's always
someone who wants to come in and correct my manners.  My letter to Paypal
was business like.

I didn't object to being called not "geeky" enough.  It was the written
remark, when I was already upset, that I don't know the difference between a
fraudulent and real account.  In the case of the purchase, that may indeed
be true.  Maybe fake PayPal's are popping up and intercepting purchases that
aren't on See my last post.

Now I have to work.  I am grateful to EVERYONE, including Sai, who responded
to my problem here.  Perhaps I should have specified that people respond to
me privately.  That should be the case now so as not to waste bandwidth.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Completely OT: PAYPAL does it suck?

> On 11/22/06, Sally Caves <scaves@...> wrote: >> Hey, don't jump to condescending assumptions, Sai. ... You're not adding >> anything new here, >> just unintentional insults. > > I agree that Sai's tone was condescending, but has geek stock risen to > the point that it's now an insult to tell someone she's not geeky? > Wow. Does this mean I'm finally "cool"? :)
> Might be best to wait until you're not furious before writing? I > strongly suspect a simple bookkeeping error that is probably in no way > related to the phishing email;
See my last post. the juxtaposition is likely just
> paranoia's old friend synchronicity paying a call. I could be totally > wrong, but I'd want to get the facts straight before yelling at > anyone.
The facts don't look good. Am calling my bank.