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Re: Lahabic in the Press

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Friday, February 20, 2004, 7:39
--- Anthony M. Miles skrzypszy:

> Pray, tell me, good sir, how did the Polish (ho'lpo'landhalei) magazine > use Lahabic?
I will make a (rough) translation of the whole article. In this case however I can afford to make an instant translation of the fragment about Lahabic: " Marcus Miles, the author of the language Lahabic, was more modest [than the creator of Tokana, who based it on a huge number of existing languages, JvS] – according to what he assures on the website of his project, he based his system solely on Latin, Greek, Russian and Hawaiian. The sound of the new language (Dha'dya'khro'non ba'llei khemitro'dhalei so'lo'balei ahalasato'r) suggests he was inspired mostly by the latter. "
> I ask because I would like to know what is striking about the language at
Honestly, I have no idea what motivated Mrs. Gut in her choice of languages. I haven't been in contact with her personally, only with the editor-in-chief of WiZ, who was so kind to send me a copy of the magazine. Jan