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Re: OT: Conlangea Dreaming

Date:Thursday, October 19, 2000, 12:59
In a message dated 10/6/00 11:56:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
ira@REMPT.XS4ALL.NL writes:

> Most people actually dream in B&W. > > Really? I dream in vivid colours, usually brighter than the real > world, like there's always bright sunlight.
[snip] I don't remember my dreams much, but I know the better I remember them, the brighter they tend to be. It used to be that everything was washed out, like it was seen though a grey filter or something, usually; now I usually dream in full but not particularly bright color. But I occasionally have these dreams that seem to be intentionally showing off how colored they are: in one dream there were these roundish tents in a range of unbelievably brilliant colors on the brightest grass I'd ever seen. For no particular reason, just this field of bright, bright tents. I know I've dreamed I was speaking languages other than English, and when I'd been in Spain a few weeks specifically in Spanish, but I never could remember it when I woke up... and to my knowledge I've never dreamed in a fictional language, especially not my own. Certainly not that I've remembered anything other than "that didn't sound like English!"