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Re: Spoken Cat (was Brithenig)

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 4, 2000, 7:22
Am 04/03 13:38  BP Jonsson yscrifef:

> Could you give us a tidbit? >
Here's something to get your whiskers around: mow The Cat mow 'aow row mew. The little Cat is cold. ma`row 'Rowow pwah row. The pretty coat is wet. uh rrow uh rowb pwah row. The whiskers and tail are wet. mow 'RRaow row. The Cat is lonely mow merowwap. She is hungry. an interlinear: mow Cat mow 'aow row mew Cat little is cold ma`row 'Rowow pwah row coat pretty wet is uh rrow uh rowb pwah row and whiskers and tail wet is mow 'RRaow row Cat lonely is mow merowwap Cat is_hungry This is a lullaby Cats sing to their young. There are three pronouns, mow Cat, mowuh you/Cat, ma` non-Cat. The language is tonal and ma` alters to indicate plurality, mow is always singular - Cats do not use the Royal We! Verbs also alter in tone following ma`. Adjectives can come before or after nouns. Adjective strings are prohibited, either separated by a noun or the conjunction uh. There are three classes of verbs: stative, active and impersonal or Acts of Goddess. Some verbs are defective (non-Cat only, like must) or perfect (Cat only, like grant). Verbs are altered for Voice: Flattery, Fantasy, and Offended. Past and Future markers are optional. There are 15 Consonants and 10 Vowels. Phew! That was a quick skim through Grammar, not looking at the sections on Tonality; Music, Myth and Legend; or the section called Einstein's Cat. BTW Sally, the .sig is from Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus The sacred writers have clothed God in a human form, like gleaming amber or fire, and have spoken of its eyes, and ears, and hair, and face, and hands, and wings, and pinions, and arms, and back, and feet. - The Divine Names, 1.8