Re: Austin, Utopia, Uglossia, and Bats.
From: | Herman Miller <hmiller@...> |
Date: | Wednesday, September 22, 1999, 4:50 |
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 20:02:03 -0700, Sally Caves <scaves@...>
>...>I had no idea Austin was so close! I would love to take a sidetrip
>to Austin... I have many friends there at the university, and of course
>to meet you, too! But the primary reason would be to see the...
> BATS!!!!!!!
>They do still swarm out in November, don't they?
There might still be some around in November, but I think they might have
started migrating by then. The one time I went out to see them was in the
I don't know whether I'll have to work that weekend, but if we want to =
together someplace, Sunday is probably a safer bet than Saturday.
>...>Do any of you have bats in your conworlds? If so, what's the word?
>I have _apo~_ /'apu/ in my old dictionary, plural _mimmapo_ /mI'mapu/
Tirelat has words for different kinds of bats. The Mexican free-tailed =
the kind that lives under the Congress Avenue bridge, is called "parz"
[pars]. Other species are "csak" [tSak], the red bat, and "xyurva"
['xjyrba], the vampire bat. I'll probably end up with more words for =
kinds of bats, but I haven't been doing much with animal names lately.
The Jarrda word for "bat" is "citra", a borrowing from Jaghri, which =
was borrowed from Ziku. (Even abandoned sketches like Ziku leave their
influences on other, more successful attempts.)
The equivalent of bats on other Kolagian worlds is a kind of miniature
bat-like dragon called "sartok" [sat.ok] in Zharranh.
languages of Kolagia---> =
Thryomanes /"If all Printers were determin'd not to print =
(Herman Miller) / thing till they were sure it would offend no =
moc.oi @ rellimh <-/ there would be very little printed." -Ben =