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Re: negation and compounding

From:Joe Mondello <rugpretzel@...>
Date:Monday, June 28, 1999, 6:44
In a message dated 6/28/99 2:34:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, fortytwo@UFL.ED=

<< _Fil_ is usually a free word, when it becomes a prefix, it may acquire a
 different, or specialized, meaning.  Fil- usually means something like
 "exact opposite, un-", while _fil_ simply means "not".  In addition,
 there are many examples of words with fil- that have no positive
 counterpart, like _filfak=EDyasa_ (still) from fil- (not) fak=ED (go) -yasa
 (adj.), thus, "unmoving", but *fak=EDyasa is not a word. >>

concidentally, in Nzva, when fu is infixed in a verb as -uf- it means exact=20
opposite, but when it precedes the word independantly it negates, thus:

naduk- build, create, construct
fu naduk- not build
nufaduk- destroy
