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Re: Yepyep YHL (was Re: I'm new!)

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Monday, October 23, 2000, 9:52
On 22 Oct, Adam Walker wrote:

> Deaf culture is >facinating -- so many unexpected, but totally logical, differences from the >surrounding hearing culture.
Yeah, but sometimes some of the people remain depressingly the same! Back in my student days, I once attended a dance where, as it turned out, I witnessed two deaf people cheating on their partners (but in a fascinting way.) Having ascertained that they were both deaf and, in fact, the only deaf people in the place, they concluded that it was safe to use sign language. They waited for a series of slow dances, and, tightly embraced by their partners, who suspected nothing, they began quite _literally_ behind their partners' backs having a very involved discussion with each other, across the crowded room. Nobody paid them the slightest attention; nobody, that is, except the girl I was with, who, although not deaf, had learned sign language. She drew my attention to the signing going on and gave me a running translation of what they were saying: how they were each going to get rid of their girl/boyfriend, where they were going to meet, and what they planned to do with and to each other! Things were really sizzling, but nobody noticed that anything was out of the ordinary. This incident gave the word "discreet" a whole new meaning! Dan Sulani -------------------------------------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.