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Re: ASCIIifying

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 7, 2003, 12:20
taliesin the storyteller wrote:

>* Tristan McLeay said on 2003-05-07 12:16:36 +0200 > > >>Yeah, but if we all use Microsoft operating chaoses, what difference >>does it make? >> >> > >"We" all don't, and when Win-1252 was first introduced, even fewer did, >and there are non-software-upgradable *hardware* that croaks by an ill >placed control-char. You know, the stuff that runs the internet backbone >(well used to), your fridge, airplanes, medical equipment, tool- >controllers (as in large plant/factory) etc. etc., the subset of the so- >called 'invisible computers' that can handle text.. you'd be surprised >how many of those still around that thinks ASCII==7-bit and obeys control- >chars. > >
Sorry, you missed the humor. I'm running Linux, and I certainly hope it isn't a Microsoft operating system. Also, I doubt you're likely to send an email to a fridge, aeroplane, medical equipment or whatever. But mostly, I was arguing Microsoft's case. -- Tristan <kesuari@...>


taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>