>i'm planning on re-starting my renovations of the Rokbeigalmki webpage
>(including a new url), now that my computer works again after 5 months.
>I still have the "front page", which i put up already. What do you think
>of the webpage's look so far? does the initial breakdown into categories
>look good? all it is is just that first page, so clicking on the links
>won't really get you anywhere.
>-Stephen (Steg)
> ...Alone of my people / i have felt war. / I have breathed war -
> breathed blood; / and spilled blood / not my own...
>~from _Sudkadme nga'Fiizhagt-a, ya'Stíígiyus_
Wow! That background! <shakes head> It'll grow on me, I'm sure. But the
large bold typeface is nice and it's a good introduction.
Sylvia Sotomayor sylvia1@ix.netcom.com
Kélen can be found at