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Re: CHAT: Rare Phonetics

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 4, 2001, 20:17
From: "BP Jonsson" <bpj@...>

| Which is a common feature of non-high central vowels -- sounding
| intermediate between a lot of other sounds, that is.
| I wonder can any of you produce the [oe-] which occurs in my accent of
| Swedish?  It's quite a common sound here since it is our realization of
| schwa.  It also occurs stressed, e.g. in [moe-s:A] "moss".

It sounds like a Brooklyn pronunciation of "moss".  (By [e-] you mean the
mid-high central unround vowel, a more closed version of [@]?)


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BP Jonsson <bpj@...>