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Announcing Ale, the first ever Mungayödic daughter language!

From:Dan Seriff <microtonal@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 3, 2001, 15:43
Well, sort of. I only started thinking about it last night, after
finishing most of the material on sound change in Trask. At the moment
I've got three phases worth of unconditioned phonological changes that
took place over a period of about 1500 years.

I'm using 0/ for a null marker. A V or C in parentheses stands for any
vowel or consonant.

First wave (~ -2000 yrs, called the "Glottal Collapse" by native linguists):
Also called Old Ale

q -> k          iI -> i@
? -> 0/         iu -> ij
h -> 0/         ao -> Aw
l -> w          N -> n
gr -> kr
dv -> dz

Second wave (~ -900 yrs, the "Great Fronting"):
Middle Ale

x -> S                  ij -> il                uw/Uw -> w
j -> l                  -(V)m -> -(V)~
T -> s (apical)         -(V)n -> -(V)~
D -> z (apical)         -t/-d -> 0/
all affricates -> s/z (laminal)

sk -> S
(C)r -> r

Loss of nasality (~ -700 yrs):

V~ -> V

Third wave (~ -500 yrs, "Great Vowel Collapse"):
Modern Ale, or just Ale

i@ -> i:                                I -> i
(C)j(V) -> (C)i:                e -> i
& -> E:                         V -> @
ei -> E:                                Y -> @<rhotic>
a -> A:                         O -> A
Ai -> A:                                U -> u
OY -> o:
u -> u:
i -> i:

The short vowels /E/ and /o/ remain the same. This vowel change
certainly needs a bit of shuffling for realism, but I think I've got the
basic shift worked out.

So, the Mungayöd word /Ibeidv&/, father, would change thus:

1: /Ibeidz&/
2: /Ibeiz&/
3: /ibE:zE:/

/fiuvUljO/, daughter (I really like this one):

1: /fijvUljO/
2: /filvUljO/
3: /fi:lvuli:/

/imoqU/, brother:

1: /imokU/
2: /imokU/
3: /i:moku/

Is this sound change plausible?

Daniel Seriff

Honesty means never having to say "Please don't flush me down the toilet!"
                      - Bob the Dinosaur