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Re: Vulgarity

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Friday, June 4, 1999, 1:07
Ed Heil <edheil@...> wrote:

> This is an interesting area to notice lexical mismatches and gaps > between languages. Good old Laadan, as I remember, is famous for > having a verb which is to women what "to fuck" is to men. (Despite > the fact that a lot of people use the F-word without gender > discrimination in English...)
Oh! That's another hole in my lexicon. Or two holes. I'll have to find one or two words referring to the sex act and what surrounds it. Plus the usual string of similes, circumlocutions, idioms and plain vulgarities found in (I assume) all human languages (or at least, those pertaining to cultures where sex is not the least repressed). Probably useful por puns and confusion then. Like the Spanish verb _coger_ which means "to take hold of" in most Sp-speaking places, but "to fuck" in Argentina (that I know). (Imagine the general burst of laughter when a Spanish journalist says _La cogi=F3 por el brazo_ or a similar thing... I want *that* for Drasel=E9q! :-) --Pablo Flores