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Re: Vulgarity

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, June 4, 1999, 12:55
>> Go ahead! -and that includes everyone who can. I'm curious to
>> vulgarities different conlangs can muster. When a conlang can >> already express vulgarity with its own flavor, then it must be well >> developed. I have yet to go that far.
Well, in Sakatda Ka Kadomo, i havent figured out how to go about doing vulgarities, but since its based off of Tagalog somewhat, i suspect the vulgarities would center around: Impotency, not getting any, and general insults about ones mother being of easy virtue. (like most natlangs do). Gee...if i really want an interesting way of getting the vulgarity, i guess i will have to build a conculture to see how i could construct the vulgarities. Oh yeah i figured a way of saying "mental masturbation" in Sakatda: bantiwa ka gansangyod hatpa - bantiwa = mental or pertaining to the mind. + ka = adjective / adverb linker + gansangyod = to pleasure (in object focus) + hatpa (oneself). I used the object focus because the subject in a reflexive sentence also is the reciever. So, the focus is on the reciever of the action.