And don't forget CPA
From: | Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...> |
Date: | Monday, February 2, 2004, 20:41 |
As there is once again a discussion about the virtues and shortcomings
(especially the shortcomings, not much the virtues) of various ASCII-IPA
schemes, I'd like to remind the list about my own humble contribution
to the mess, namely, CPA (which, as a search in the CONLANG archive
showed me, not seems to have been mentioned so far). I posted it
in November 2001, but I happily post it once again.
CPA - An ASCII-based phonetic alphabet
Version 1.1
(C) 2001 Jörg Rhiemeier
Specification of symbols
blb. lbd. dnt. alv. pav. rfl. plt. vel. uvl. phr. glt.
stop p b t d t. d. c J k g q Q ?
nasal m M n n. "n N "N
flap r r.
l.flap *l *l.
trill "B "r "r. "R
fric P B f v T D s z S Z s. z. C "j x G X R H 9 h "h
l.fric "l "Z "l."Z.
appr "v *r *r. j "w
l.appr l l. L "L
click p! T! t! c! l!
impl b` d` J` g` Q`
ejec p` t` t.` c` k` q`
Symbols for clicks, implosives and ejectives at other points of
articulation can be easily created analogously.
W voiceless labial-velar fricative
w voiced labial-velar approximant
"y voiced labial-palatal approximant
"H voiceless epiglottal fricative
"9 voiced epiglottal fricative
"? epiglottal plosive
"c voiceless alveo-palatal fricative
"z voiced " " "
"S simultaneous S and x
{kp} double articulation
{ts} affricate
Front Central Back
Close i "u *i *u "i u
Close-mid e "o *e *o "e o
Open-mid E "O *E *O "E O
& *a
Open a "6 "a 6
Alternative symbols: [y]=["u]; [A]=["a].
' primary stress
, secondary stress
: long
; half-long
^( extra-short
- syllable break
| minor (foot) group
|| major (intonation) group
= linking (absence of a break)
5 ^" extra high
4 ^' high
3 ^- mid
2 ^` low
1 ^= extra low
> downstep
< upstep
24 ^v rising (optionally, [/])
42 ^^ falling (optionally, [\])
<< global rise
>> global fall
_h voiceless _: breathy voiced _d dental
_v voiced _~ creaky voiced _a apical
^h aspirated _m linguolabial _l laminal
_) more rounded ^w labialized ~ nasalized
_( less rounded ^j palatalized ^n nasal release
_+ advanced ^G velarized ^l lateral release
_- retracted ^9 pharyngealized ^7 no audible release
^: centralized ^~ velarized or pharyngealized
^x mid-centralized _^ raised
_| syllabic _V lowered
_` non-syllabic _< advanced tongue root
^r rhoticity _> retracted tongue root
Additional symbols not included in IPA
(mainly from Ladefoged & Maddieson,
_The Sounds of the World's Languages_)
0 zero string of segments
_M labiodental
_. apical retroflex (if necessary to distinguish
from sub-apical retroflex)
^m ^N prenasalized (^mb ^nd ^"nJ ^Ng, etc.)
^^ closed post-alveolar (hissing-hushing) fricatives
^"h alternative representation of breathy voice
^x ^G affricate click release
^? glottal click release
_= strident vowels (double tilde below)
_w simple labialization (not velarized)
7 velarized l (X-SAMPA [5])
*I *U central vowels slightly lower than [*i] and [*u]
(X-SAMPA [I\], [U\])
*j U+027F reversed r with fishhook
(resembles iota turned 180 degrees)
i. U+0285 squat reversed esh
(represents a retroflex vowel)
^s sibilant fricative; no IPA equivalent
^o whistled; no IPA equivalent
Wild card symbols
These symbols can be used for whatever one needs a symbol for;
they must be defined first, otherwise they are meaningless.
# $ % arbitrary segment symbols, e.g.,
as shorthand for complex but frequent segments,
or human-impossible sounds in non-human languages
(may also be used as modifier characters instead
to create a larger number of new symbols)
^# _# arbitrary diacritics
^$ _$ dito
^% _% dito
...brought to you by the Weeping Elf