> From: Constructed Languages List [mailto:CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU]On
> Hello, I've just rejoined the list after a year or two away, and have
> lately been working on a conlang called the Ronnes. (or just "ronnes"
> now since they recently dropped articles and capitalization). I've
> just finished revising their grammar and managed to translate a poem
> into it. (
Welcome back!
> However, as I tried to analyze the moods that verbs had acquired, I
> realized that I didn't know what to call a couple of them. In
> particular, the two subjunctive moods. (They are subjunctive, right?)
> -r indicative, the speaker saw this happen
> -s the speaker heard about it and thinks it likely but doesn't know
> for certain. in future tense, the speaker hopes it will occur.
> -z the speaker heard or read about it in some old story and doesn't
> think it could have really happened.
Negated Quotative
> think it could have really happened. in future tense, the speaker
> hopes it will not happen.
Negated Optative
> -n negative. the speaker knows it didn't happen. also used for pure
> fiction.
Negated Indicative (irrealis?)
> -l interrogative.
> -t imperative.
AFMCL, amman iar has all of these and more. amman iar has two ways of
forming negatives according to its scope. To negate a proposition, the
auxiliary verb is prefixed with the negative u-. To negate the modality of
a proposition the sentential negative or must initiate the sentence. The
negatives yo8u describe above are the latter type. Thus
alan erthulel esiras
He may be coming.
(It is possible that he is coming)
alan erthulel es-iras
he come SPEC:does
To negate the proposition
alan erthulel uesiras
He may not be coming
(It is possible that he is not coming)
alan erthulel u-es-iras
he come NEG:SPEC:does
To negate the modality
or alan erthulel esiras
He cannot be coming
(It is not possible that he is coming)
or alan erthulel es-iras
NEG: he come SPEC:does
David E. Bell
The Gray Wizard
en aran urren vorneth;
edhain ernordharel an engdarian orui minthille
en balan alanion ennonnar ascalennen ordhmarrion,
en cam alanion orimronniar na taurriar.
carilen alanion les geth, sarcil alanion galen deth
itair geceleb and meth na brand veth,
eni galen elennion tengelar ordirdhirar alanion,
an ithil entagon minthille o an anor encelmon.