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Re: Boreanesians and the Pacific Conlang League (was: Zera and other conlangs)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 5:17
>It sounds fine to me! Is there any reason why you chose the new western >location, rather than someplace *near* the Marianas? (My knowledge of >geology is not so good...) > >Kenji
I cant speak for Kristian, obviously, but.... I know for instance that the Marianas are in a subduction zone. They are the result of the two plates coming together (the Marianas trench on the eastern side of the islands is i believe the deepest trench in the ocean. If you follow all the island chains along the western pacific, you'll see most do have trenches on their eastern sides (Philippines, Japan, etc). Although, between the Marianas and the Philippines there isnt much, but I suspect Kristian has his reasons for not choosing there. ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.