Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> I bought yesterday a new booklet about Middle French (in fact the sequel of my
> booklet on Old French I bought a while ago) which says that the split happened
> much before that, during the 14th and 15th centuries in fact, starting from the
> North of the country and going South slowly.
Yes, you are right. I was confusing this split with /wE/ > /wA/ which
was 18th century.
> PS: Sorry to have taken so long to answer, but I've been sick for one week and
> could get out to get to a computer.
I hope you are better now!
There is / one art || John Cowan <jcowan@...>
no more / no less ||
to do / all things ||
with art- / lessness \\ -- Piet Hein