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Re: the lonely affricate

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Thursday, June 24, 1999, 19:21
{{A question: does anyone know of any language which has a "j" sound --
[dZ] --
but no "ch" -- [tS]?  One of the peculiarities (there aren't many) of
phonetics is that it has just one affricate, although it's otherwise
pretty well
rounded-out as far as consonants go:}}

Russian has a 'ch' but no 'j', at least in the script. They *might* use
a written consonant cluster to round this out, I'm not too sure. But
that does suggest that when the script was invented, such a sound did
not exist. So Old Russian (1400 ad?) didnt have the sound.

English is essentially Old Friesian as spoken by a Frankified
Danish mercenary who studied Latin and Ancient Greek at school
and is currently on a round the world journey