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Re: Klingon (was Re: T-Shirt)

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 27, 2000, 1:13
In a message dated 2000:09:26 4:25:03 PM, yl112@CORNELL.EDU writes:

>I would tend to agree that getting sued by Paramount or Gene >Roddenberry's heirs or whoever would probably suck. >
ROTFLMAO (Rollin' On The Floor Laughin' Me Arse Off) ... yeppers, that would suck badly... but then again ::wicked grin:: it would get Conlanging some attention! Also it could prove to be hard to sue us ConLangers as we are mainly online and if we do this t-shirt through middle-people and "cut-outs", none will be the wiser. ::wicked mad scientist hyena-cacking:: czHANg