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CHAT! Alien-ness (was Re: I'm new!)

From:czHANg <fengxing-czhang@...>
Date:Sunday, October 22, 2000, 1:39
On Sun, 22 Oct 2000 10:32:45 +0930, :
> > > Well, as I'm sure you've discovered, it is inherently *difficult* to
> > up with an alien, because we're all human here (...I think) and haven't > > met any (...I think)!
:::swears everyone on the List to secrecy:: Ever since I was like 7, I have felt like I am co-inhabited by a space alien spirit. I really seem to get my best creative & hypercreative ideas from "my unnameable alien spirit." Sometimes this spirit keeps me awake at night... & in many situations of mortal danger, helped me coldly prevail without panicking... Without this alien spirit, I would not be who I am. I guess some would say this is my Guide Spirit.
> > As a child, whenever someone called me an alien, I always used to thank > them for the compliment. Aliens, in most SF, are portrayed as much more > intelligent than humans. Strangely, many people did not understand that > they were complimenting me.
Same here. Kids in school were always calling me "weirdo"... I have gotten so good at being "Other" (guess having William S. Burroughs, Philip K. Dick, Dennis Hopper, James Woods, etc. & the mythological/folkloric influences of tricksters like Sun Wu K'ung and Coyote would do that...) I actually have for so long cultivated being nonconformist to the point that it's not an act any longer, that it really is me. I tend to scare off people that are too "normal"... I upset their lil worldviews severely. Trendoid people tend to like me at first but then realize that they have gotten in way over their heads. Besides I like have a few select good friends rather than a wide circle of hanger-ons (having once been a heroin junkie, I realized one can count only on a handful of people to do you right _in extremis_... & sometimes that the least likely person may even risk their life for you just cuz you might have smiled at them when no one else would or shared what food you had with them). czHANg _______________________________________________________ Say Bye to Slow Internet!