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Re: Conpunct

From:Terrence Donnelly <pag000@...>
Date:Friday, December 4, 1998, 20:34
At 02:47 PM 12/4/98 -0500, James Campbell wrote:

>I'd be interested to hear of any other >punctuation marks or conpunct stuff from other script systems. >
Vogu has only two punctuation marks, a period and comma. The period is a straight line, and signals the end of a sentence. The comma is like a backwards 'c', and it breaks a complex sentence into phrases. Besides punctuation, Vogu has a hiatus mark (a small circle) to mark that something is incomplete, used like a dash with affixes (eg., po-), and to mark abbreviations and acronyms. It also has a dash and quote marks, which are used together to set off quotations. There is also a "divider" sign, that looks like an 'S' turned on its side with a circle in the middle, used to indicate ranges of numbers or letters (and word roots, in the dictionary), and a single parenthesis sign, which looks just like an equals sign. To round out the inventory, there is also a currency sign, sort of like an 'f' with a backwards 'c' replacing the central line, which is used to designate the local currency, the /prabst/. Finally, Vogu doesn't have capital letters, but marks names and titles by placing a short vertical line over each letter of the word. -- Terry