Re: Kerno Bible (was: Nou Pare (Our Father) in Aingeljã)
From: | Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...> |
Date: | Wednesday, September 4, 2002, 21:16 |
--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
>...> --- John Cowan wrote:
>...> > Protestantism, which has been responsible for most
> > of this, isn't nearly
> > as strong in Ill Bethisad as *here*abouts. In
> > particular, the British
> > Isles are either Roman or Uniate Catholic,
> > although English and Brithenig
> > speaking North America is mixed, and IIRC
> > Scadinavia [sic] and some of
> > the Germanies are still Lutheran.
> Does this imply that there is no Italian, Brithenig,
> or Polish Bible neither?
I don't about the others. A Brithenig Bible first
appeared in 1588. Presumably, Scots and English Bibles
first appeared around then as well. (Kerno wasn't a
literate language at the time, so there's good reason
why a K Bible won't show up for a few centuries yet.)
>...> I would argue that unless every Catholic can read
> Latin, any literate Catholic
> society needs a Bible translation.
Well, Latin is a traditional component of Kemrese
education. I suppose it might at least hold a position
like Sanskrit as far as religious use is concerned.
>...> Reminds me: I have actually never seen a Pater
> Noster in Brithenig or
> Breathanach either. Perhaps it's true, and they
> really don't exist?
Perhaps. Both types of Catholic services are offered
in the vernacular in Kemr, and have been since the 60s
or so.
>...> Jan
parla, mays ben parla; et pharleir becko il maboun.
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