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Orthography Question

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, November 8, 1998, 16:18
Being bored in class recently, i started writing down various names of
classmates in Rokbeigalmki and figuring out some Rokbeigalmki
transliteration techniques.

This is the general rule:  when a sound doesn't exist in Rokbeigalmki,
the closest sound that does is written with a ~ tilde over it to mark it
as abnormal.  (in native Rokb. words the tilde means that a vowel is

In an unfinished horror story i wrote for class a few years ago, the
mysterious alien species was referred to as _pleknu gamna-zoh_, "those
who fell from stars" in the so-called Mother Language (which will
probably be my next conlang project if i ever get around to it).  the
last word, <gamna-zoh>, is pronounced /gam na zA./, where /A./ is the
low-back-rounded "flipped script a" vowel on the IPA chart.  Rokbeigalmki
doesn't have such a sound - but it does have <au> /O/, the
lowmiddle-back-rounded vowel.  So, in Rokb. orthography "gamna-zoh" would
be written as _gamna-zau~_.  Similarly, my friend Shaya /Sa6 ja/ (/6/ =
`ayin) 's Rokbeigalmki name is Shahh~ya, since <hh> /H/ is the unvoiced
equivalent of the voiced `ayin, which doesn't exist in Rokb.

So, here's the problem.  I have a friend who just moved to NYC from
Belgium a few years ago.  Her name is Ire`ne, pronounced correctly as far
as i can tell as /iREn/ , where /R/ is the French "r". (most people just
call her /ajri:n/)
I've figured out two possible ways of representing her name in

_ir~en_ /i*En/ (* = flap R) :  this uses the normal Rokbeigalmki type of
"r" sound, which is a flap R very unlike the French R (what is the French
R exactly?)

_igh~en_ /iGEn/ (G = velar voiced fricative) :  this uses a different
Rokbeigalmki sound, <gh>, which sounds much closer to the actual R sound
of Ire`ne.

So, does anyone have a preference / suggestion for which i should use?
How do you represent foreign words/names in your conlangs?

-Stephen (Steg)

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