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Re: Another question: genders

From:Thomas R. Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Friday, August 11, 2000, 5:45
Nik Taylor wrote:

> Padraic Brown wrote: > > Just poking my head in: what negative connotations does ambivalent > > have for you? > > To me, it connotes things like "indecisive", "wishy-washy", etc., but, > perhaps that's just a personal feeling?
It *can* have those connotations, yes. For me, the only negative connotations are when you have that feeling that you could be making a decision about something, but the thing about which you are being asked to decide is not important enough to warrant calling your lack of a decision "indecisive", and certainly not "wishy-washy". Like, for example, about some esthetic choice: there's usually nothing critical about what kind of toothpaste you prefer. That can only become "indecisive" when you're holding up other people, or otherwise affecting some other possible course of action (you really need to buy the toothpaste *now*, so you can be ready for that dinner party tonight). ====================================== Tom Wier | "Cogito ergo sum, sed credo ergo ero." ======================================