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Re: OT members' ages (was Re: OBNatlang: German Pronunciation)

From:Stephen Mulraney <ataltanie@...>
Date:Friday, September 5, 2003, 22:32
Jan van Steenbergen wrote:

> --- Stephen Mulraney skrzypszy:
>>So I noticed after a glance through the archives! You were mistaken for >>a drunken sailor, as I recall :) > > > Indeed. Must have been the T-shirt. However, if you prefer to mistake me > for a mafioso, you might have a look at my wedding pictures: > <>
Indeed! It must be an interesting job, providing *security services* to marrying couples ;)
>>>It works indeed. Wow, you must be a lucky guy! :)) >> >>Lucky to have managed to get a photo up?
> No. What I had in mind was the well-formed hand hanging loosely from your > shoulder...
Ha! I'll tell my friend (note: friend :)) that her hand has been so praised next time I see her! See that tie I'm wearing? Well, my bow tie was way too lose so I fashioned a suitable piece of replacement neckwear from her conveniently extraneous sash (if you could see the rest of the photo you'd see she was wearing a dress of the same fabric). I was going to reply: Why thank you! I take great pride in my hands :)
>>Have others tried and failed? > > > A few, yes. IIRC.
Bzzt. Correct response was "They tried and died" ('Dune', methinks)
>>I've never tried to learn any instrument seriously enough to get anywhere. >>I think it might be fun to learn maybe violin (or better: viola da gamba :)
> Great, I love gamba! Especially when there is five or six of them playing > ancient English consort music.
Indeed. It's hard to go wrong with old English consort music!
>>or piano (or better: church organ :) but I don't think it's likely to >>happen soon...
> Depends on your experience. Playing the piano always makes sense, even if > you consider a later switch to organ or harpsichord.
Unfortunately, they lack a certain...portability. A bit of a problem when (being a student) I'm likely to live in a different house every year for the next few years. Though we do have one at home, out of tune naturally. My ex-girlfiend, a composition student, saved herself a lot of angst and inconvenience and invested in a ... electronic piano thingy (whachyamacallit). A good replacement for a (non-performance) composer's piano, which itself is somewhat cheaper and less bulky than installing an orchestra/old english consort/50 piece pipe band in your garden shed :)
>>Of course, I'm about 4 Pythagorean commas (if I may abuse that as a unit >>of determination :) closer after having this conversation, so there might >>be some home for me yet. > > > Well, if every message about the subject brings you 4 Pythagorean commas > closer, then I hope to welcome your first gamba/violin/organ CD within a > year! :)))
Well, I'll be sure to send you a copy gratis, on account of your encouragement an support at a crucial time!
> Jan
s. ---- Stephen Mulraney... ataltane at If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. ~Henry David Thoreau


Iain E. Davis <feaelin@...>