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My Fluency wish-list

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 12:58
Well, as I saw that most of you gave your fluency wish-list, I decided to
do the same, he he... So here it goes:

1. Dutch: The main reason has nothing to do with language curiosity. It's
the language of my boy-friend :) . But it is also a beautiful language,
very expressive and poetic. The ugly German cannot stand in front of it.
2. Japanese: If I ever could reach fluency enough to read manga in Japanese
and watch Japanese movies without the need for subtitles... But I'm afraid
it will always be a dream.
3. Spanish: I used to have a fair fluency of Spanish, but it's a little
rusty now. Well, the only thing I need is someone to talk to in Spanish.
4. English: I am _nearly_ fluent in English, but I still lack
understanding. I nearly cannot follow anyone talking on BBCTV. On the other
hand, I have less troubles with American movies and series. But I still
need lots of training.
5. Lots of other languages. I can think of Arabic, Basque, Mandarin, Bahasa
Indonesia, Swahili, Tibetan, Quechua, Finnish, Russian, Turkish, Modern
Greek, Gaelic, Hawaiian, Hindi and so on... Well, I think I'll never have
enough time to learn all those languages, but let's dream :) .

1. Chasmäöcho and Moten: the first because it's supposed to be my personal
language, so I should be fluent in it, the second because it's my cherished
child, the creation of mine I prefer, and the only language of mine with a
fair lexicon (around 600 words if I remember correctly :) ).
2. Teonaht: the first artlang I discovered on the web, and one of the most
beautiful in my opinion.
3. Brithenig and Tokana: the first because the very idea of Celto-Romance
languages appeal very much to me, and Brithenig is very beautiful, the
second because I just find Tokana so nice :) .
4. Quenya and Sindarin: the languages of the master of us all should be
learned in school (at least as options :) ).
5. Esperanto: The only auxlang I find as beautiful as an artlang. Despite
all the defects everyone seems to find in it, I still find it really easy
(even after one year without practising it at all, I was able to have a
good conversation with someone in it, and that whereas it took me only 6
months to learn the language), very beautiful (I just cannot understand the
accusations of ugliness, it sounds so nice) and at least it's not too
difficult to find someone speaking it :) .
6. Every other conlangers' conlangs in no particular order. Again, I dream
aloud :) .

                                                Christophe Grandsire
                                                |Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G.

"Reality is just another point of view."

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