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Re: Relay Order--waiting for Irina

From:Joe Mondello <rugpretzel@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 4:26
In a message dated 6/22/99 12:23:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
Rugpretzel@AOL.COM writes:

<< In a message dated 6/21/99 11:12:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
 scaves@FRONTIERNET.NET writes:

 << dunn patrick w wrote:

  > Yay!  So, where do we post our results?  Here?  Should we include a
  > "smooth" translation along with it?
  > --Patrick

  Yes to both.  As soon as Irina translates Fabian's poem, which is I hope
  VERY soon <G>, then we should go in some kind of order.  I'm first after
  Irina, then it is:

          you, Patrick
          Chris Peters
          Josh Roth
          Adam Parrish
          Andrew Smith
          Josh Shinavier
          and Fabian

  We'll probably get out of order, so everybody please state
  whom they received their translation from and whom they
  sent it to.  Don't forget to publish a readable English translation
  along with your translation and commentary.

  In anticipation...
  Sally Caves >>

 Wait,, where are we to send this?        the list or you ro Irina or what?
 i'm a bit confused.

 J Mondello >>

Nevermind, I have been performing a sort of sleep deprivation experiment on
myself for the last 2 and a half days and my comprehension is not at its peak.

Pacs Precs
Joe Mondello