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Re: further developments of Tanla

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Saturday, November 13, 1999, 1:35
J. Barefoot <ataiyu@...> wrote:

> I came up with this weird little construction for possession in Tanla:
> > Now put it in a sentence: > > ayusin ni'i al ani ansua, al ha tisuuyaa. > I-stand.past.durative at the I-rel sister-rel, the her-rel doorway-loc. > I was standing in my sister's doorway. > > I thought it was kind of nifty, but kind of weird. What do y'all think? Do > the cases feel at all unnatural? I suppose "ansua" really should be relative > case, as it is, but still this little voice in my head says "Make it > nominative!" Can I get caller ID for these voices?
:)! I think nominative could do just fine (assuming it's the least marked case of all). And you could do without the comma pause. 'My sister her doorway' -- I think that's actually good *Welsh*, am I right? I just did the same yesterday when revising my conlang Curco. I got rid of the genitive case like that... --Pablo Flores