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Re: meeting of minds

From:dunn patrick w <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Sunday, December 27, 1998, 3:54
On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, Herman Miller wrote:

> On Thu, 24 Dec 1998 23:52:15 -0600, Eric Christopherson <eric@...> > wrote: > > >Very nicely put. I am the same way, a "citizen of Earth." The idea of > >a nation made out of people instead of territory is very interesting. > >I have often wondered what it would take to set up a sovereign country > >:D
Actually, micronations (as they're called) are not all that rare. I am a member of one, Nova Roma ( Sovereignty is more or less a matter of consent; if other sovereign nations recognize your sovereignty, then you're sovereign. If not, well, that's a matter of debate. --Patrick