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Re: meeting of minds

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Sunday, December 27, 1998, 3:34
On Thu, 24 Dec 1998 23:52:15 -0600, Eric Christopherson <eric@...>

>Very nicely put. I am the same way, a "citizen of Earth." The idea of >a nation made out of people instead of territory is very interesting. >I have often wondered what it would take to set up a sovereign country >:D
That sounds similar to the entity called "tei" in Zirinka and "poeski" in Jarrda. Although in some ways it is the Zireen analog of a nation, it has more in common with a church or a political party in its organization. = Like churches and political parties, tei are defined by shared beliefs rather than boundary lines on a map, and more than one can coexist in the same physical territory.