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Re: meeting of minds

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Monday, December 21, 1998, 14:48
On Mon, 21 Dec 1998, Andrew Smith wrote:

> > It would be tempting to claim to be a Comro, (a native-born Brithenig > speaker) but I resist the temptation to be a culture of one. I am a child > of my culture, an English-speaking European-descent culture, and Comroig > culture is subject to its alternative historicity not my personal > subjectivity. (I must see if the Chomro will speak to me, they haven't > yet, but I haven't put my mind to it!)
Ys pharolarant. Sulfent llo rhuith. Eo rhuaf per yn gandiwn e gafaf trui. Padraic.
> > - andrew.