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Re: meeting of minds

From:Andrew Smith <hobbit@...>
Date:Monday, December 21, 1998, 0:02
On Sun, 20 Dec 1998, Kristian Jensen wrote:

> Well, perhaps - and I could be wrong - the main reason I indulge in > this activity is because I have what several call: "Identity > Crisis". That is, I do not have any sense of national patriotism at > all. NONE WHATSOEVER!! I'm essentially a product of at least two > cultures. My mother is a Filipina and my father is a Dane. I have > never been raised "locally". Never been educated "locally". I went > to International Schools in Southeast Asia where the culture may be > described as Pseudo-american. I was brought up in a very close > circle - the International Community in various Southeast Asian > countries. Many Int'l School alumnis call this circle "The Ivory > Tower" in that we belonged to an affluent circle who were never > really a part of the respective local societies. Some students had > never set foot on their parents home country. As a result, there are > many international school alumnis who have this "identity crisis" in > that they were never "raised locally". To some, its a serious > emotional problem. >
Browsing through a missionary display at a Christian event some years ago I came across a group involved in outreach to children of "Third Cultures". These were missionary children, born in one culture, but raised in another, but they belonged to a "third culture" which was neither, an idio-culture, if you like. I think Kristian could probably claim to be a third culural person. It would be tempting to claim to be a Comro, (a native-born Brithenig speaker) but I resist the temptation to be a culture of one. I am a child of my culture, an English-speaking European-descent culture, and Comroig culture is subject to its alternative historicity not my personal subjectivity. (I must see if the Chomro will speak to me, they haven't yet, but I haven't put my mind to it!) - andrew. Andrew Smith, Intheologus Q. Why are there so many Smiths in the Phone Book? A. Because they all have telephones! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GL d+ s-:+ a32 C+ UL P? L E? W++ N+ o-- K- w O M+ V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP- t+* 5+ X- R tv b+++ DI+ D-- G e++ h- !r y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------