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Re: SIL Toolbox and IPA Unicode 1.0

From:Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Thursday, September 2, 2004, 6:16
On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, at 11:33 , Philippe Caquant wrote:

> ........ it's the general situation about the > so-called "computer science".
{Groan} - first we are informed that linguistics is not a science and now, apparently, computer science has to quoted and we are told it is only a 'so-called science' - which presumably means it is a pseudo-science, that is, not a science. There was I under the impression that several years ago I had spent a lot of dosh and three years of my life getting a master's degree in computer science. Now I discover I was deceived. I guess we should be grateful that we have someone who can enlighten us poor deluded individuals. I must obviously sue the University in order to recover my money and to claim compensation for all the time wasted. Perhaps Philippe could enlighten me what was unscientific about stuff I studied and the work I did; I need to know in order to instruct my lawyer. BTW I am talking about computer science itself. Petty whinging about the use, or rather misuse, of the science by commercial enterprises or other individuals is irrelevant.
> It is simply incredible: > in the year 2004, we are still working like in stone > age.
D'oh! And there was I thinking computers were a product of the 20th century. So they had them in the stone age. Well, we live and learn. I guess I've been misinformed about stone age flint knappers. All these years I've been under the impression they were making arrow-heads when all along they were slicing off little chips of silicon. We live and learn.
> We should have lots of beautiful, handy, > reliables, easy-to-use, communicating tools at hand. > In fact, we're cursing every day the inventor > of 'vi' (Unix) and hundreds of other > tools of the same sort.
Don't you just love the high thoughts and high language? [snip]
> "High thoughts must have high language." (Aristophanes, Frogs)
Ray =============================================== =============================================== "A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language." J.G. Hamann, 1760


Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>